Plugin hooks¶
Datasette plugins use plugin hooks to customize Datasette's behavior. These hooks are powered by the pluggy plugin system.
Each plugin can implement one or more hooks using the @hookimpl
decorator against a function named that matches one of the hooks documented on this page.
When you implement a plugin hook you can accept any or all of the parameters that are documented as being passed to that hook.
For example, you can implement the render_cell
plugin hook like this even though the full documented hook signature is render_cell(value, column, table, database, datasette)
def render_cell(value, column):
if column == "stars":
return "*" * int(value)
List of plugin hooks
- prepare_connection(conn, database, datasette)
- prepare_jinja2_environment(env)
- extra_template_vars(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)
- extra_css_urls(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)
- extra_js_urls(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)
- extra_body_script(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)
- publish_subcommand(publish)
- render_cell(value, column, table, database, datasette)
- register_output_renderer(datasette)
- register_routes()
- register_facet_classes()
- asgi_wrapper(datasette)
- startup(datasette)
- canned_queries(datasette, database, actor)
- actor_from_request(datasette, request)
- permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource)
- register_magic_parameters(datasette)
- forbidden(datasette, request, message)
- menu_links(datasette, actor)
- table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table)
- database_actions(datasette, actor, database)
prepare_connection(conn, database, datasette)¶
- sqlite3 connection object- The connection that is being opened
- string- The name of the database
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
This hook is called when a new SQLite database connection is created. You can use it to register custom SQL functions, aggregates and collations. For example:
from datasette import hookimpl
import random
def prepare_connection(conn):
conn.create_function('random_integer', 2, random.randint)
This registers a SQL function called random_integer
which takes two
arguments and can be called like this:
select random_integer(1, 10);
Examples: datasette-jellyfish, datasette-jq, datasette-haversine, datasette-rure
- jinja2 Environment- The template environment that is being prepared
This hook is called with the Jinja2 environment that is used to evaluate Datasette HTML templates. You can use it to do things like register custom template filters, for example:
from datasette import hookimpl
def prepare_jinja2_environment(env):
env.filters['uppercase'] = lambda u: u.upper()
You can now use this filter in your custom templates like so:
Table name: {{ table|uppercase }}
extra_template_vars(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)¶
Extra template variables that should be made available in the rendered template context.
- string- The template that is being rendered, e.g.
- string or None- The name of the database, or
if the page does not correspond to a database (e.g. the root page) table
- string or None- The name of the table, or
if the page does not correct to a table columns
- list of strings or None- The names of the database columns that will be displayed on this page.
if the page does not contain a table. view_name
- string- The name of the view being displayed. (
, androw
are the most important ones.) request
- object or None- The current HTTP Request object. This can be
if the request object is not available. datasette
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
This hook can return one of three different types:
- Dictionary
- If you return a dictionary its keys and values will be merged into the template context.
- Function that returns a dictionary
- If you return a function it will be executed. If it returns a dictionary those values will will be merged into the template context.
- Function that returns an awaitable function that returns a dictionary
- You can also return a function which returns an awaitable function which returns a dictionary.
Datasette runs Jinja2 in async mode, which means you can add awaitable functions to the template scope and they will be automatically awaited when they are rendered by the template.
Here's an example plugin that adds a "user_agent"
variable to the template context containing the current request's User-Agent header:
def extra_template_vars(request):
return {
"user_agent": request.headers.get("user-agent")
This example returns an awaitable function which adds a list of hidden_table_names
to the context:
def extra_template_vars(datasette, database):
async def hidden_table_names():
if database:
db = datasette.databases[database]
return {"hidden_table_names": await db.hidden_table_names()}
return {}
return hidden_table_names
And here's an example which adds a sql_first(sql_query)
function which executes a SQL statement and returns the first column of the first row of results:
def extra_template_vars(datasette, database):
async def sql_first(sql, dbname=None):
dbname = dbname or database or next(iter(datasette.databases.keys()))
return (await datasette.execute(dbname, sql)).rows[0][0]
return {"sql_first": sql_first}
You can then use the new function in a template like so:
SQLite version: {{ sql_first("select sqlite_version()") }}
Examples: datasette-search-all, datasette-template-sql
extra_css_urls(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)¶
Same arguments as extra_template_vars(...)
Return a list of extra CSS URLs that should be included on the page. These can take advantage of the CSS class hooks described in Custom pages and templates.
This can be a list of URLs:
from datasette import hookimpl
def extra_css_urls():
return [
Or a list of dictionaries defining both a URL and an SRI hash:
from datasette import hookimpl
def extra_css_urls():
return [{
'url': '',
'sri': 'sha384-9gVQ4dYFwwWSjIDZnLEWnxCjeSWFphJiwGPXr1jddIhOegiu1FwO5qRGvFXOdJZ4',
This function can also return an awaitable function, useful if it needs to run any async code:
from datasette import hookimpl
def extra_css_urls(datasette):
async def inner():
db = datasette.get_database()
results = await db.execute("select url from css_files")
return [r[0] for r in results]
return inner
Examples: datasette-cluster-map, datasette-vega
extra_js_urls(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)¶
Same arguments as extra_template_vars(...)
This works in the same way as extra_css_urls()
but for JavaScript. You can
return a list of URLs, a list of dictionaries or an awaitable function that returns those things:
from datasette import hookimpl
def extra_js_urls():
return [{
'url': '',
'sri': 'sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo',
You can also return URLs to files from your plugin's static/
directory, if
you have one:
from datasette import hookimpl
def extra_js_urls():
return [
Examples: datasette-cluster-map, datasette-vega
extra_body_script(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)¶
Extra JavaScript to be added to a <script>
block at the end of the <body>
element on the page.
Same arguments as extra_template_vars(...)
The template
, database
, table
and view_name
options can be used to return different code depending on which template is being rendered and which database or table are being processed.
The datasette
instance is provided primarily so that you can consult any plugin configuration options that may have been set, using the datasette.plugin_config(plugin_name)
method documented above.
The string that you return from this function will be treated as "safe" for inclusion in a <script>
block directly in the page, so it is up to you to apply any necessary escaping.
You can also return an awaitable function that returns a string.
Example: datasette-cluster-map
- Click publish command group- The Click command group for the
datasette publish
This hook allows you to create new providers for the datasette publish
command. Datasette uses this hook internally to implement the default now
and heroku
subcommands, so you can read
their source
to see examples of this hook in action.
Let's say you want to build a plugin that adds a datasette publish my_hosting_provider --api_key=xxx mydatabase.db
publish command. Your implementation would start like this:
from datasette import hookimpl
from datasette.publish.common import add_common_publish_arguments_and_options
import click
def publish_subcommand(publish):
help="API key for talking to my hosting provider",
def my_hosting_provider(
# Your implementation goes here
Examples: datasette-publish-fly, datasette-publish-now
render_cell(value, column, table, database, datasette)¶
Lets you customize the display of values within table cells in the HTML table view.
- string, integer or None- The value that was loaded from the database
- string- The name of the column being rendered
- string or None- The name of the table - or
if this is a custom SQL query database
- string- The name of the database
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
If your hook returns None
, it will be ignored. Use this to indicate that your hook is not able to custom render this particular value.
If the hook returns a string, that string will be rendered in the table cell.
If you want to return HTML markup you can do so by returning a jinja2.Markup
Datasette will loop through all available render_cell
hooks and display the value returned by the first one that does not return None
Here is an example of a custom render_cell()
plugin which looks for values that are a JSON string matching the following format:
{"href": "", "label": "Name"}
If the value matches that pattern, the plugin returns an HTML link element:
from datasette import hookimpl
import jinja2
import json
def render_cell(value):
# Render {"href": "...", "label": "..."} as link
if not isinstance(value, str):
return None
stripped = value.strip()
if not stripped.startswith("{") and stripped.endswith("}"):
return None
data = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
return None
if not isinstance(data, dict):
return None
if set(data.keys()) != {"href", "label"}:
return None
href = data["href"]
if not (
href.startswith("/") or href.startswith("http://")
or href.startswith("https://")
return None
return jinja2.Markup('<a href="{href}">{label}</a>'.format(
label=jinja2.escape(data["label"] or "") or " "
Examples: datasette-render-binary, datasette-render-markdown, datasette-json-html
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
Registers a new output renderer, to output data in a custom format. The hook function should return a dictionary, or a list of dictionaries, of the following shape:
def register_output_renderer(datasette):
return {
"extension": "test",
"render": render_demo,
"can_render": can_render_demo, # Optional
This will register render_demo
to be called when paths with the extension .test
(for example /database.test
, /database/table.test
, or /database/table/row.test
) are requested.
is a Python function. It can be a regular function or an async def render_demo()
awaitable function, depending on if it needs to make any asynchronous calls.
is a Python function (or async def
function) which acepts the same arguments as render_demo
but just returns True
or False
. It lets Datasette know if the current SQL query can be represented by the plugin - and hence influnce if a link to this output format is displayed in the user interface. If you omit the "can_render"
key from the dictionary every query will be treated as being supported by the plugin.
When a request is received, the "render"
callback function is called with zero or more of the following arguments. Datasette will inspect your callback function and pass arguments that match its function signature.
- Datasette class- For accessing plugin configuration and executing queries.
- list of strings- The names of the columns returned by this query.
- list ofsqlite3.Row
objects- The rows returned by the query.
- string- The SQL query that was executed.
- string or None- If this was the execution of a canned query, the name of that query.
- string- The name of the database.
- string or None- The table or view, if one is being rendered.
- Request object- The incoming HTTP request.
- string- The name of the current view being called.
, androw
are the most important ones.
The callback function can return None
, if it is unable to render the data, or a Response class that will be returned to the caller.
It can also return a dictionary with the following keys. This format is deprecated as-of Datasette 0.49 and will be removed by Datasette 1.0.
- string or bytes, optional- The response body, default empty
- string, optional- The Content-Type header, default
- integer, optional- The HTTP status code, default 200
- dictionary, optional- Extra HTTP headers to be returned in the response.
An example of an output renderer callback function:
def render_demo():
return Response.text("Hello World")
Here is a more complex example:
async def render_demo(datasette, columns, rows):
db = datasette.get_database()
result = await db.execute("select sqlite_version()")
first_row = " | ".join(columns)
lines = [first_row]
lines.append("=" * len(first_row))
for row in rows:
lines.append(" | ".join(row))
return Response(
content_type="text/plain; charset=utf-8",
headers={"x-sqlite-version": result.first()[0]}
And here is an example can_render
function which returns True
only if the query results contain the columns atom_id
, atom_title
and atom_updated
def can_render_demo(columns):
return {"atom_id", "atom_title", "atom_updated"}.issubset(columns)
Examples: datasette-atom, datasette-ics
Register additional view functions to execute for specified URL routes.
Return a list of (regex, view_function)
pairs, something like this:
from datasette.utils.asgi import Response
import html
async def hello_from(request):
name = request.url_vars["name"]
return Response.html("Hello from {}".format(
def register_routes():
return [
(r"^/hello-from/(?P<name>.*)$", hello_from)
The view functions can take a number of different optional arguments. The corresponding argument will be passed to your function depending on its named parameters - a form of dependency injection.
The optional view function arguments are as follows:
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. request
- Request object- The current HTTP Request object.
- dictionary- The incoming ASGI scope dictionary.
- function- The ASGI send function.
- function- The ASGI receive function.
The view function can be a regular function or an async def
function, depending on if it needs to use any await
The function can either return a Response class or it can return nothing and instead respond directly to the request using the ASGI send
function (for advanced uses only).
See Designing URLs for your plugin for tips on designing the URL routes used by your plugin.
Examples: datasette-auth-github, datasette-psutil
Return a list of additional Facet subclasses to be registered.
The design of this plugin hook is unstable and may change. See issue 830.
Each Facet subclass implements a new type of facet operation. The class should look like this:
class SpecialFacet(Facet):
# This key must be unique across all facet classes:
type = "special"
async def suggest(self):
# Use self.sql and self.params to suggest some facets
suggested_facets = []
"name": column, # Or other unique name
# Construct the URL that will enable this facet:
"toggle_url": self.ds.absolute_url(
self.request, path_with_added_args(
self.request, {"_facet": column}
return suggested_facets
async def facet_results(self):
# This should execute the facet operation and return results, again
# using self.sql and self.params as the starting point
facet_results = {}
facets_timed_out = []
# Do some calculations here...
for column in columns_selected_for_facet:
facet_results_values = []
# More calculations...
"value": value,
"label": label,
"count": count,
"toggle_url": self.ds.absolute_url(self.request, toggle_path),
"selected": selected,
facet_results[column] = {
"name": column,
"results": facet_results_values,
"truncated": len(facet_rows_results) > facet_size,
except QueryInterrupted:
return facet_results, facets_timed_out
See datasette/ for examples of how these classes can work.
The plugin hook can then be used to register the new facet class like this:
def register_facet_classes():
return [SpecialFacet]
Return an ASGI middleware wrapper function that will be applied to the Datasette ASGI application.
This is a very powerful hook. You can use it to manipulate the entire Datasette response, or even to configure new URL routes that will be handled by your own custom code.
You can write your ASGI code directly against the low-level specification, or you can use the middleware utilites provided by an ASGI framework such as Starlette.
This example plugin adds a x-databases
HTTP header listing the currently attached databases:
from datasette import hookimpl
from functools import wraps
def asgi_wrapper(datasette):
def wrap_with_databases_header(app):
async def add_x_databases_header(scope, recieve, send):
async def wrapped_send(event):
if event["type"] == "http.response.start":
original_headers = event.get("headers") or []
event = {
"type": event["type"],
"status": event["status"],
"headers": original_headers + [
", ".join(datasette.databases.keys()).encode("utf-8")]
await send(event)
await app(scope, recieve, wrapped_send)
return add_x_databases_header
return wrap_with_databases_header
Example: datasette-cors
This hook fires when the Datasette application server first starts up. You can implement a regular function, for example to validate required plugin configuration:
def startup(datasette):
config = datasette.plugin_config("my-plugin") or {}
assert "required-setting" in config, "my-plugin requires setting required-setting"
Or you can return an async function which will be awaited on startup. Use this option if you need to make any database queries:
def startup(datasette):
async def inner():
db = datasette.get_database()
if "my_table" not in await db.table_names():
await db.execute_write("""
create table my_table (mycol text)
""", block=True)
return inner
Potential use-cases:
- Run some initialization code for the plugin
- Create database tables that a plugin needs on startup
- Validate the metadata configuration for a plugin on startup, and raise an error if it is invalid
If you are writing unit tests for a plugin that uses this hook you will need to explicitly call await ds.invoke_startup()
in your tests. An example:
async def test_my_plugin():
ds = Datasette([], metadata={})
await ds.invoke_startup()
# Rest of test goes here
Examples: datasette-saved-queries, datasette-init
canned_queries(datasette, database, actor)¶
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. database
- string- The name of the database.
- dictionary or None- The currently authenticated actor.
Ues this hook to return a dictionary of additional canned query definitions for the specified database. The return value should be the same shape as the JSON described in the canned query documentation.
from datasette import hookimpl
def canned_queries(datasette, database):
if database == "mydb":
return {
"my_query": {
"sql": "select * from my_table where id > :min_id"
The hook can alternatively return an awaitable function that returns a list. Here's an example that returns queries that have been stored in the saved_queries
database table, if one exists:
from datasette import hookimpl
def canned_queries(datasette, database):
async def inner():
db = datasette.get_database(database)
if await db.table_exists("saved_queries"):
results = await db.execute("select name, sql from saved_queries")
return {result["name"]: {
"sql": result["sql"]
} for result in results}
return inner
The actor parameter can be used to include the currently authenticated actor in your decision. Here's an example that returns saved queries that were saved by that actor:
from datasette import hookimpl
def canned_queries(datasette, database, actor):
async def inner():
db = datasette.get_database(database)
if actor is not None and await db.table_exists("saved_queries"):
results = await db.execute(
"select name, sql from saved_queries where actor_id = :id", {
"id": actor["id"]
return {result["name"]: {
"sql": result["sql"]
} for result in results}
return inner
Example: datasette-saved-queries
actor_from_request(datasette, request)¶
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. request
- object- The current HTTP Request object.
This is part of Datasette's authentication and permissions system. The function should attempt to authenticate an actor (either a user or an API actor of some sort) based on information in the request.
If it cannot authenticate an actor, it should return None
. Otherwise it should return a dictionary representing that actor.
Here's an example that authenticates the actor based on an incoming API key:
from datasette import hookimpl
import secrets
SECRET_KEY = "this-is-a-secret"
def actor_from_request(datasette, request):
authorization = request.headers.get("authorization") or ""
expected = "Bearer {}".format(SECRET_KEY)
if secrets.compare_digest(authorization, expected):
return {"id": "bot"}
If you install this in your plugins directory you can test it like this:
$ curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer this-is-a-secret' http://localhost:8003/-/actor.json
Instead of returning a dictionary, this function can return an awaitable function which itself returns either None
or a dictionary. This is useful for authentication functions that need to make a database query - for example:
from datasette import hookimpl
def actor_from_request(datasette, request):
async def inner():
token = request.args.get("_token")
if not token:
return None
# Look up ?_token=xxx in sessions table
result = await datasette.get_database().execute(
"select count(*) from sessions where token = ?", [token]
if result.first()[0]:
return {"token": token}
return None
return inner
Example: datasette-auth-tokens
permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource)¶
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. actor
- dictionary- The current actor, as decided by actor_from_request(datasette, request).
- string- The action to be performed, e.g.
. resource
- string or None- An identifier for the individual resource, e.g. the name of the table.
Called to check that an actor has permission to perform an action on a resource. Can return True
if the action is allowed, False
if the action is not allowed or None
if the plugin does not have an opinion one way or the other.
Here's an example plugin which randomly selects if a permission should be allowed or denied, except for view-instance
which always uses the default permission scheme instead.
from datasette import hookimpl
import random
def permission_allowed(action):
if action != "view-instance":
# Return True or False at random
return random.random() > 0.5
# Returning None falls back to default permissions
This function can alternatively return an awaitable function which itself returns True
, False
or None
. You can use this option if you need to execute additional database queries using await datasette.execute(...)
Here's an example that allows users to view the admin_log
table only if their actor id
is present in the admin_users
table. It aso disallows arbitrary SQL queries for the staff.db
database for all users.
def permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource):
async def inner():
if action == "execute-sql" and resource == "staff":
return False
if action == "view-table" and resource == ("staff", "admin_log"):
if not actor:
return False
user_id = actor["id"]
return await datasette.get_database("staff").execute(
"select count(*) from admin_users where user_id = :user_id",
{"user_id": user_id},
return inner
See built-in permissions for a full list of permissions that are included in Datasette core.
Example: datasette-permissions-sql
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
Magic parameters can be used to add automatic parameters to canned queries. This plugin hook allows additional magic parameters to be defined by plugins.
Magic parameters all take this format: _prefix_rest_of_parameter
. The prefix indicates which magic parameter function should be called - the rest of the parameter is passed as an argument to that function.
To register a new function, return it as a tuple of (string prefix, function)
from this hook. The function you register should take two arguments: key
and request
, where key
is the rest_of_parameter
portion of the parameter and request
is the current Request object.
This example registers two new magic parameters: :_request_http_version
returning the HTTP version of the current request, and :_uuid_new
which returns a new UUID:
from uuid import uuid4
def uuid(key, request):
if key == "new":
return str(uuid4())
raise KeyError
def request(key, request):
if key == "http_version":
return request.scope["http_version"]
raise KeyError
def register_magic_parameters(datasette):
return [
("request", request),
("uuid", uuid),
forbidden(datasette, request, message)¶
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. request
- object- The current HTTP Request object.
- string- A message hinting at why the request was forbidden.
Plugins can use this to customize how Datasette responds when a 403 Forbidden error occurs - usually because a page failed a permission check, see Permissions.
If a plugin hook wishes to react to the error, it should return a Response object.
This example returns a redirect to a /-/login
from datasette import hookimpl
from urllib.parse import urlencode
def forbidden(request, message):
return Response.redirect("/-/login?=" + urlencode({"message": message}))
The function can alternatively return an awaitable function if it needs to make any asynchronous method calls. This example renders a template:
from datasette import hookimpl
from datasette.utils.asgi import Response
def forbidden(datasette):
async def inner():
return Response.html(await datasette.render_template("forbidden.html"))
return inner
table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table)¶
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. actor
- dictionary or None- The currently authenticated actor.
- string- The name of the database.
- string- The name of the table.
This hook allows table actions to be displayed in a menu accessed via an action icon at the top of the table page. It should return a list of {"href": "...", "label": "..."}
menu items.
It can alternatively return an async def
awaitable function which returns a list of menu items.
This example adds a new table action if the signed in user is "root"
from datasette import hookimpl
def table_actions(datasette, actor):
if actor and actor.get("id") == "root":
return [{
"href": datasette.urls.path("/-/edit-schema/{}/{}".format(database, table)),
"label": "Edit schema for this table",
database_actions(datasette, actor, database)¶
- Datasette class- You can use this to access plugin configuration options via
, or to execute SQL queries. actor
- dictionary or None- The currently authenticated actor.
- string- The name of the database.
This hook is similar to table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table) but populates an actions menu on the database page.